MMBT3904 and MMBT3906 are a bipolar (BJT) small signal transistor in a SOT−23-3 type surface mount package, they are designed for general purpose amplifier and switching applications. The useful dynamic range extends to 100mA as a switch and to 100MHz as an amplifier. As complementary types the NPN transistors MMBT3904 is recommended.
In response to demand market, Kingtronics small quantities transistors can be shipped immediately. The common application is signal Processing, Power Management, Portable Devices, Consumer Electronics, and Industrial.
NPN Silicon General Transistors MMBT3904 Datasheet Download:
PNP Silicon General Transistors MMBT3906 Datasheet Download:
You know that Kingtronics specialize in manufacturing diode, bridge rectifier, capacitor and trimmer, right?
From now on, besides above 4 series, we have a new series--transistor. In order to promote it to the market aggressively, we put forward much more competitive price than these brands Diodes, Fairchild, NXP, ON Semi and STM....
Are you keen to save cost and profits increase? Pls feel free to contact or email me
Small Signal Transistor | |
BC807-16/25/40 | BC817-16/25/40 |
BC846A/B/C | BC847A/B/C |
BC848A/B/C | BC849A/B/C |
BC850A/B/C | BC856A/B/C |
BC857A/B/C | BC858A/B/C |
BC859A/B/C | |
MMBT8050C/D | |
MMBT8550C/D | MMBT9012G/H |
MMBT9013G/H | MMBT9014B/C/D |
MMBT9018G/H | MMBTSC945L/O/P/Y |
Tel: (86) 769 8118 8110
Tel: (852) 8106 7033
Fax: (852) 8106 7099
Skype: kingtronics.sales
Kingtronics International Company was established in 1995 located in Dongguan City of China to handle all sales & marketing for factories located in Chengdu, Sichuan and Zhaoqing, Guangdong, China. In 1990, we established the first factory to produce trimming potentiometer and in 1999 we built up new factory in Zhao Qing, Guangdong. Now with around 850 workers, Kingtronics produce trimming potentiometers, dipped tantalum capacitors, multilayer ceramic capacitors, and diode & bridge rectifier. We sell good quality under our brand Kingtronics, and Kt, King, Kingtronics are our three trademarks. All our products are RoHS compliant, and our bridge rectifier have UL approval. Please visit our Products page, you could please download all our PDF datasheet and find cross reference for our Trimming Potentiometer and capacitors.
Tantalum and Ceramic Capacitors Cross Reference ↓ Download
Diodes & Rectifiers List(PDF: 97KB) ↓ Download
Trimming Potentiometer Cross Reference ↓Download