What is Tantalum Capacitors?

Tantalum capacitors are a subtype of electrolytic capacitors. They are made of tantalum metal which acts as an anode, covered by a layer of oxide which acts as the dielectric, surrounded by a conductive cathode. The use of tantalum allows for a very thin dielectric layer. This results in a higher capacitance value per volume, superior frequency characteristics compared to many other types of capacitors and excellent stability over time. Tantalum capacitors are generally polarized, which means that they may only be connected to a DC supply observing the correct terminal polarity. The downside to using tantalum capacitors is their unfavorable failure mode which may lead to thermal runaway, fires and small explosions, but this can be prevented through the use of external failsafe devices such as current limiters or thermal fuses. Technology advances allow tantalum capacitors to be used in a wide variety of circuits, often found in laptops, automotive industry, cell phones and others, most often in the form of surface mounted devices (SMD). These surface mount tantalum capacitors claim much less space on the printed circuit board and allow for greater packing densities.

Tantalum Capacitors is the ideal products for TV, video recorder, computer, program-controlled switch, telephone, instrument, and other civil electronic complete machines.

Since Tantalum Capacitors is widely used and may manufactures was affected by the spread of the epidemic in Europe and the United States. The price for the Tantalum Capacitors may be double by the end of this year.

Therefore, if you have any inquiry on hand, it is time to share your inquiry with Kingtronics.

The types of capacitors that are used in the industrial end-use market segment include primarily plastic film capacitors, ceramic capacitors; aluminum electrolytic capacitors; but also to a lesser extent carbon supercapacitors and tantalum capacitors as is shown in the chart below.

For the application of capactiors, listed as below. Are you one of the professional manufacturer from below industry? 
Kingtronics can help you with our great capacitors and Diodes solutions. Welcome send mail to info@kingtronics.com for more and detailed quotation.

*Power Transmission and Distribution
*Motors and Drives
*Renewable Energy
*Lasers (industrial and medical)
*Defibrillator (external only)
*X-Ray machines (pulsed)
*Ultrasonics (pulse welders, cleaners)
*Airport runway strobes
*Pulse forming networks for radar
*Water purification
*Railgun power
*Missile power-up
*Food sterilization
*Marx generators
*Television and radio transmitters

The global semiconductor industry continues to deliver solid results, growing at more than 20 per cent a year for 13 consecutive months, despite double-digit annual growth in non-memory products in April due in part to strong growth in the memory market.

According to the semiconductor industry association (SIA), global semiconductor sales in April 2018 totaled $37.6 billion. April sales were up 1.4 per cent from the previous month. Sales are up 20.2% from a year ago.

So far this year, the global semiconductor industry has continued to deliver impressive results, with annual growth of more than 20 percent for 13 consecutive months, according to SIA President and CEO John Neuffer. Despite strong growth in the storage market, non-memory products posted double-digit annual growth in April, and all major regional markets saw double-digit annual growth. Semiconductor growth will be substantial this year and slow next year.

In April, sales in the Americas rose 34.1 percent, China 22.1 percent, Europe 21.4 percent, Japan 14.6 percent and Asia Pacific/other regions 10.2 percent, compared with the same period last year. China grew 3.2 per cent, Japan 2.7 per cent, Europe 1.4 per cent and the Americas 0.8 per cent. In Asia/elsewhere, however, the monthly decline was 0.8 per cent.

SIA endorses the global semiconductor sales outlook published by the world semiconductor trade statistics association (WSTS). The global semiconductor market is forecast to grow 12.4 percent to $463.4 billion this year, an all-time high, the WSTS said. But growth will fall to 4.4% next year.

Labor day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers, was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday. 

Now, Labor day is an international holiday in many countries worldwide. It usually occurs around 1st May, but the date varies across countries.

Taking a break is for accomplishing a longer journey. 

Happy Labor day! Enjoy your holidays!

Are you making a resolution for 2018? Warning: More than half of all resolutions fail, but this year, they don’t have to be yours. Here’s how to identify the right resolution to improve your life, create a plan on how to reach it, and become part of the small group of people that successfully achieve their goal.

Pick the Right Resolution

You’ll give yourself your best shot at success if you set a goal that’s doable — and meaningful too.

According to the time management firm FranklinCovey, one third of resolutioners don’t make it past the end of January.

A lot of these resolutions fail because they’re not the right resolutions. And a resolution may be wrong for one of three main reasons:

It’s a resolution created based on what someone else (or society) is telling you to change. 
It’s too vague.
You don’t have a realistic plan for achieving your resolution.

Your goals should be smart — and SMART. That’s an acronym coined in the journal Management Review in 1981 for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. It may work for management, but it can also work in setting your resolutions, too.

Specific. Your resolution should be absolutely clear. “Making a concrete goal is really important rather than just vaguely saying ‘I want to lose weight.’ You want to have a goal: How much weight do you want to lose and at what time interval?”. “Five pounds in the next two months — that’s going to be more effective.”

Measurable. This may seem obvious if your goal is a fitness or weight loss related one, but it’s also important if you’re trying to cut back on something, too. If, for example, you want to stop biting your nails, take pictures of your nails over time so you can track your progress in how those nails grow back out. Logging progress into a journal or making notes on your phone or in an app designed to help you track behaviors can reinforce the progress, no matter what your resolution may be.

Achievable. This doesn’t mean that you can’t have big stretch goals. But trying to take too big a step too fast can leave you frustrated, or affect other areas of your life to the point that your resolution takes over your life — and both you and your friends and family flail. So, for example, resolving to save enough money to retire in five years when you’re 30 years old is probably not realistic, but saving an extra $100 a month may be. (And if that’s easy, you can slide that number up to an extra $200, $300 or $400 a month).

Relevant. Is this a goal that really matters to you, and are you making it for the right reasons? “If you do it out of the sense of self-hate or remorse or a strong passion in that moment, it doesn’t usually last long.” “But if you build up a process where you’re thinking harder about what’s good for you, you’re changing the structure of your life, you’re bringing people into your life who will reinforce that resolution, then I think you have a fighting chance.” 

Time-bound. Like “achievable,” the timeline toward reaching your goal should be realistic, too. That means giving yourself enough time to do it with lots of smaller intermediate goals set up along the way. “Focus on these small wins so you can make gradual progress.” “If you’re building a habit, you’re planning for the next decade, not the next couple of months.”

Now that winter's here, it’s more difficult to get up in the morning. In fact, more than half of us admit getting up during winter is a ‘struggle’. Unsurprisingly, Monday mornings are the hardest. So what little changes could you make? Here are 3 top tips to give you that extra ‘morning motivation’ boost:

1> Have a drink.

Drinking water as soon as you wake up will help stimulate the body and help you stay awake.

2> Do something active.

You may not have the time or energy for a full-blown exercise routine every morning, but get your body moving somehow such as forcing yourself to wiggle around under the covers.

3> Remind yourself of what you have to do.

Noting your to-do list on a small whiteboard or a piece of paper kept on the nightstand, which will help you feel at night like you have those things handled, or at least noted, for the following day, and it will give you more reason to get up in the morning.

If none of this works, there's the obvious tip of setting the alarm clock across the room. *^__^*

1. Braised pork rice (滷肉飯)
Not to be underestimated: braised fatty pork with rice.  

"Where there's a wisp of smoke from the kitchen chimney, there will be lurou fan [braised pork with rice]," goes the Taiwanese saying. The popularity of this humble dish cannot be overstated.

"Lurou fan" is almost synonymous with Taiwanese food.
"Lurou fan is the more ordinary and down-to-earth dish for any Taiwanese," says Rae Lin, founder of dearbnb, a Taiwanese travel website. "From your mother's version of lurou fan to the one served in a restaurant, it's the one dish we truly can't live without."
A good bowl of lurou fan features finely chopped, not quite minced, pork belly, slow-cooked in aromatic soy sauce with five spices. There should be an ample amount of fattiness, in which lies the magic. The meat is spooned over hot rice. A little sweet, a little salty, braised pork rice is comfort food perfected.

2. Oyster omelet (蚵仔煎)
The oyster omelet: the island's snack.  

Here's a snack that really showcases the fat of the land of Taiwan. You've got something from the sea and something from the soil.
The eggs are the perfect foil for the little oysters easily found around the island, while sweet potato starch is added to give the whole thing a gooey chewiness -- a signature Taiwan food texture.  
No wonder it was voted best snack to represent the island in a poll of 1,000 Taiwanese by Global Views Monthly in 2007.

3. Bubble tea (珍珠奶茶)
Better than beer: bubble tea is a drink and a snack.  

Bubble tea is representative of the "QQ" food texture that Taiwanese love. The cute-sounding phrase refers to something that is very chewy, just like the tapioca balls that are the "bubbles" in bubble tea.
It is said that this unique drink was invented out of boredom. Liu Han-Chieh threw some sweetened tapioca pudding into her iced Assam tea on a fateful day in 1988 and one of the greatest Taiwanese exports was born.
Huge variations on the theme have since emerged, including taro-flavored tea, jasmine tea or coffee, served cold or hot.

4. Coffin bread (棺材板)
If the Addams Family came to Taiwan. 

This Tainan specialty is a mutated offspring of French toast and chowder.
An extra thick piece of bread is hollowed out to resemble a flat bread bowl. It is toasted to harden it and then filled with seafood chowder.
Legend says a Taiwanese chef who studied Western cooking invented this bread-soup-bowl-with-corners.
One day an archeologist tried the toast and told the chef, “It looks just like the coffin I am excavating now.”
Thus, the chowder soup took on its morbid Chinese name, which means "coffin bread."

5. Gua bao (割包)
Dear Gua Bao, you're the Big Mac of our eye.  

It's a hamburger, Taiwan-style.
A steamed bun sandwiches a hearty filling of braised pork belly, pickled Chinese cabbage and powdered peanuts.
The filling is chopped up into small pieces and mixed together so there's a bit of everything in every bite. Consider doing this with Western hamburgers.
Take in a big mouthful and enjoy the salty, sour and sweet flavors and the greasy pork swimming in your mouth.

6. Pineapple cake (鳳梨酥)
Sunny Hill's traditional pineapple cake.

This iconic Taiwanese pastry is one of the best souvenir options. These mini pineapple pies are filled with candied pineapple. 
If you want the best pineapple cake experience, try SunnyHills which uses only local pineapple as filling. It yields a darker filling, rougher texture and a more sour taste. 
The traditional pies at other shops are filled with a mix of pineapple and chewable bits of winter melon. They have a fruity sweetness and a golden casing of crumbly buttery pastry.
Stores that replace pineapple completely with winter melon to cut costs are committing a big no-no.

7. Tian bu la (甜不辣)
Don't waste a single drop: water down the brown sauce and drink it up.

Tian bu la refers to fish paste that has been molded into various shapes and sizes, deep-fried, then boiled in a broth. Before eating, the pieces of solid fish paste are taken out of the broth and smothered in brown sauce.
Doesn't sound like much, but it delivers plenty of the sweet flavors and chewy textures beloved by Taiwanese. Tian bu la is basically a Taiwan take on Japanese oden, with more sugariness, tougher fish cakes and a signature sauce. 
After finishing the pieces of fish cakes, there's more to come. Get some soup from the vendor and add it to the remaining sauce in the bowl. Mix and drink the flavor bomb.  

8. Ba wan (肉圓)
Ba wan: dumplings for giants.

The ba wan is Taiwan's mega dumpling.
Made with a dough of rice flour, corn starch and sweet potato starch, it looks almost translucent after cooking. Pork, veggies and sometimes eggs are stuffed inside and gravy is poured on top. 
It is commonly believed that ba wan was invented during periods of scarcity. The simple pork dumpling was then a luxurious snack enjoyed only during the Lunar New Year festival. 

9. Fried chicken (鹽酥雞)
Perfect street food: boneless and bite-sized.

In the fried chicken hall of fame, Taiwan deserves its own exhibit. Not only has it made the giant fried chicken cutlet (No. 35 on this list) a cult classic, but its popcorn chicken is dangerously addictive.
The chicken is chopped into bite-sized pieces, marinated, dipped in batter and deep-fried. A generous sprinkling of salt and pepper complete the morish morsels. It's a ubiquitous snack on the city streets.

10. Flaky scallion pancake (蔥抓餅)
The flaky scallion pancake, Taiwan's food porn queen.

There is nothing more appetizing than the sight of a flaky scallion pancake being slowly torn apart. Add cheese and egg fillings to maximize the visuals.
Devour this night market staple in a few bites to ensure it is steaming hot and chewy.

11. Oyster vermicelli (蚵仔麵線)
Oyster vermicelli: taste of the sea.

A bowl of great oyster vermicelli should have a thick, flavorful soup base while the thin rice noodles and oysters should still retain their distinct texture.  
Some people will add chopped intestines for a funky dimension to the soup.
It is a gooey, slurpable dish, more soup than noodle, with an intense briny taste.

12. Stinky tofu (臭豆腐)
You need two hands to eat this, one to hold your nose.

This is the world's best love-it-or-hate-it snack and Taiwan does it just right. 
The "fragrant" cube of bean curd is deep-fried and draped with sweet and spicy sauce. It you hold your nose, it looks and tastes just like a plain ol' piece of fried tofu, with a crisp casing and soft center like pudding.
But what's the fun in eating that? Inhale deeply and relish the stench, the smellier, the better.

13. Pepper cakes (胡椒餅)
So good that we ate half of it before remembering to take a photo.

The must-have at Rao He night market, the pepper cake is a crispy pocket filled with juicy pork that is infused with the aromatic bite of black pepper. Baked on the wall of a clay oven, the pies are a delicious ode to the pepper plant.
Make sure you get more than one, or risk the overwhelming sense of regret when you have to wait again in the long queue for more.

More information please visit: http://www.kingtronics.com/

Our customer informed us that some big brands discontinue tantalum capacitors. 
Don't worry ! Kingtronics is still available for you ! 

It is must to be regretted that we didn't meet earlier when you start to cooperate with us !
You will find that Kingtronics is the properest and most reliable business partner !

No more hesitation, just share inquiries and orders with us ! We are of service at any time!

Kingtronics Tantalum Capacitors Cross Reference

Kingtronics Series

Kingtronics Description

NIC Series





CKT Series

Tantalum Chip Capacitors,
A, B, C, D, E, F





265 267

EKT Series

Tantalum Chip Capacitors Low ESR






Kingtronics Series

Kingtronics Description





Part No.

CKT Series

Tantalum Chip Capacitors,
General Purpose, A, B, C, D, E, F






EKT Series

Tantalum Chip Capacitors Low ESR







Kingtronics Series

Kingtronics Description

NIC Series




TKT Series

Radial Epoxy Dipped Tantalum Capacitor



T350 to T390


Kingtronics Series

Kingtronics Description




China Part No.

TKT Series

Radial Epoxy Dipped Tantalum Capacitor





Kingtronics Series

Kingtronics Description





TKT Series

Radial Epoxy Dipped Tantalum Capacitor

202 / 204





Kingtronics produces 2 kinds of electrolytic capacitors:  Aluminum electrolytic capacitor and Tantalum capacitor. 


Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor: automotive power, industrial LED lighting, telecom infrastructure, power supplies,input and output smoothing, audio amplifiers, motor start, blocking and dc-bypass circuits, photoflash and strobe...

Tantalum Capacitor: portable telephones, pagers, personal computers, and automotive electronics, traffic light, washing machine, electronic security, shortwave radio transmitters and receivers, remote controls, power supply, reader module


Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors: Radial, Snap-in, SMD

Kingtronics P/N


Life Hours





Radial Type



Super Miniaturized

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Radial Type



High Temperature

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Radial Type



Low Impedance

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Radial Type



Long Life

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Snap-in Type



High ripple current

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Snap-in Type



High ripple current

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SMD Type



4V ~ 100V.DC

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SMD Type



4V ~ 100V.DC

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Tantalum Capacitors: Dipped, Chip








Radial Epoxy Dipped

0.1 - 330µF

6.3V - 50V

-55 ~ +125

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Chip Tantalum Capacitors

0.1 - 470µF

4V - 50V

-55 ~ +125

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Low ESR Chip Tantalum Capacitors

0.1 - 470µF

4V - 50V

-55 ~ +125

↓ Download PDF


Contact us

Tel: (86) 769 8118 8110
Tel: (852) 8106 7033
Fax: (852) 8106 7099
E-mail: info@kingtronics.com
Skype: kingtronics.sales
Web: www.Kingtronics.com
YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/Kingtronicskt


Kingtronics International Company was established in 1995 located in Dongguan City of China to handle all sales & marketing for factories located in Chengdu, Sichuan and Zhaoqing, Guangdong, China. In 1990, we established the first factory to produce trimming potentiometer and in 1999 we built up new factory in Zhao Qing, Guangdong. Now with around 850 workers, Kingtronics produce trimming potentiometers, dipped tantalum capacitors, multilayer ceramic capacitors, and diode & bridge rectifier. We sell good quality under our brand Kingtronics, and Kt, King, Kingtronics are our three trademarks. All our products are RoHS compliant, and our bridge rectifier have UL approval. Please visit our Products page, you could please download all our PDF datasheet and find cross reference for our Trimming Potentiometer and capacitors.

Tantalum and Ceramic Capacitors Cross Reference ↓ Download
Diodes & Rectifiers List(PDF: 97KB) ↓ Download
Trimming Potentiometer Cross Reference ↓Download



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